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Faruri cu LED pentru Skoda Fabia, de la 265 de euro

Scris de 1tuning pe 03-06-2009

Pentru detinatorii de Skoda Fabia si Roomster care simt nevoia iluminarii cu LED pe timp de zi, acolo unde se opreste generozitatea producatorilor incepe cea a tunerilor: Milotec ofera acest accesoriu, contra unui pret de 265 de euro.

Casa de tuning specializata pe Skoda ofera in plus, ca alternativa, un set de grupuri optice cu LED vopsite, in valoare de 289 de euro.

In oferta Milotec pentru Fabia si Roomster mai gasiti si accesorii aerodinamice pentru caroserie, precum si jante din aliaj de aluminiu. Nou-venitul set de grupuri optice cu LED completeaza gama, iar pretul include si instalarea.

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01-07-2011 11:17 de Anonim

Auto led light,car led light,angel eyes,Daytime running light, HID xenon kits manufacturer from China with CE&Rohs ,best price and quality
Dear friend,
How are you doing? I’m Michelle Wu,senior manager of Lion Industrial Co.,ltd.One of Chinese largest manufacturers of LED lighting technology. Please visit our , we export our products to any country in the world within very short delivery times and a very high quality, if you are interested in selling our products in your country, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Our products have CE & ROHS certificates.
Shipping Methods: DHL, UPS, EMS, TNT, FEDEX, Maritime.
Products: AC hid xenon kits, TC bulbs, T10,T5,T20,S25,Festoon,Ba15s,Ba15d, angel eyes, daytime running light, headlamp, fog lamp, led decoration strip, etc..

Advantages of buying from Lion:
1. competitive price (you buy directly from a large factory)
2. impressive quality (Lion takes over 5 years producing LED)
3. better warranty(18 months warranty for HID kit, 12meses for LED)
4.Transporte fast, goods is usually shipped 3-6 working days after arriving payment through Paypal or T / T
5.Lion is senior member of DHL, UPS and Fedex, enjoying best prices of sending.
6.Lion offers a complete solution for Auto Lighting System.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I will try my best to support your business.

Best regards
Michelle Wu

25-06-2011 04:38 de Anonim

Auto led light,car led light,angel eyes, hid xenon kits(HID)manufacturer from China with CE&Rohs ,best price and quality
Dear friend,
How are you doing? I’m Michelle Wu,senior manager of Lion Industrial Co.,ltd.One of Chinese largest manufacturers of LED lighting technology. Please visit our website: , we export our products to any country in the world within very short delivery times and a very high quality, if you are interested in selling our products in your country, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Our products have CE & ROHS certificates.
Shipping Methods: DHL, UPS, EMS, TNT, FEDEX, Maritime.
Products: AC hid xenon kits, TC bulbs, T10,T5,T20,S25,Festoon,Ba15s,Ba15d, angel eyes, daytime running light, headlamp, fog lamp, led decoration strip, etc..

Advantages of buying from Lion:
1. competitive price (you buy directly from a large factory)
2. impressive quality (Lion takes over 5 years producing LED)
3. better warranty(18 months warranty for HID kit, 12meses for LED)
4.Transporte fast, goods is usually shipped 3-6 working days after arriving payment through Paypal or T / T
5.Lion is senior member of DHL, UPS and Fedex, enjoying best prices of sending.
6.Lion offers a complete solution for Auto Lighting System.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I will try my best to support your business.

Best regards
Michelle Wu

26-12-2009 18:58 de Anonim

nu merita, prea scump

02-07-2009 15:54 de danutp

Fara a supara pe nimeni...pretul postat mai sus reflecta in primul rand calitatea produselor, asa ca cine spune ca sunt scumpe nu stie clar despre ce este vorba. In Romania toti vor sa cumpere marfa ieftina desi toti stiu ca ieftin inseamna de cele mai multe ori prost d.p.d.v calitativ. Ne-am obisnuit sa cumparam si sa montam pe Daciile noastre piese ieftine si proaste ... si din pacate am ramas cu meteahna asta si cand ne-am cumparat masini din generatiile mai noi.
Denumirea Day running lights vine de la faptul ca aceste lumini se folosesc pe timpul zilei...aprinderea lor nefiind comandata de sistemul sistemul de iluminare al masinii (conectare directa la contact). Datorita faptului ca in Vest exista specificatii clare in sensul utilizarii acestor lumini pe timp de zi, intr-un viitor foarte apropiat toti fabricantii vor introduce in serie aceste DRL-uri pe masinile lor.

05-06-2009 18:15 de dj_cosmin_gamer

sincer... scump rau :|

03-06-2009 19:36 de m_symy

auleu cehi vad ca lukra cam scump

03-06-2009 14:18 de Sorensen

Mi se pare enorm pentru cateva leduri sa platesti de la 265 de euro. Cu banii astia iti pui xenon si-ti mai si raman bani.

03-06-2009 13:34 de ROOKIE

Nu stiu daca "far" este cuvantul potrivit. Poate va referiti la LAMPILE DE ILUMINARE DIURNA? (Day Running Lights)

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