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  • Burnout cu Hayabusa

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  •   Adaugat de 1tuning
    (acum peste 6 luni)
    Vazut de 2034 ori / Scor: 0 (0 voturi)
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    2 comentarii. Posteaza un comentariu

    01-07-2012 07:14 de Mohsen

    Respectfully, neither.Are you bunyig a bike to look at or to ride? I trust the latter.So, you have an interest in either a 175 mph road racer or a 186 mph drag bike correct?With either bike you will be forced to ride a fast bike slow. Doesn't sound like much fun to me.Both bikes will bust any speed limit in the land in second gear. Then what? As you shift into third gear you are a police magnet. Again doesn't sound like much fun to me.Better to ride a slow bike fast than to ride a fast bike slow.I ride a bike that tops out at a paltry 125 mph. Bike is painfully slow, wouldn't you say? Yet it is one of the best bikes for touring and riding two up, my Honda GL1800 Goldwing.OR,my other bike will do perhaps 135 mph. Just a bit faster than my Goldwing, but still soooo slow compared to the Ninja or the Busa yes? But I will ride my bike up to Alaska on dirt and gravel roads, something both of your bikes will do very poorly on. My slug of a bike is a 955i Triumph Tiger.So what are your intentions with either bike? Remember, riding a fast bike slow is not much fun.Suggest re-evalulating your motorcycle choices.Just my thoughts on this issue.Good Luck

    28-03-2009 15:24 de Anonim

    muzica e misto pacat ca ei sunt.....

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