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  • Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII DCS Vs. Lada Turbo

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  •   Adaugat de marian_tgv
    (acum peste 6 luni)
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    01-07-2012 09:20 de Yousef

    So, there was nothing wrong with this guys' reievw because by the end of the reievw he realizes these are two completely different cars meant for different things. The EVO is an econo box with enough computer and drive-train goodies to make anyone look like a star on the track. That's just it, it's a track toy some can put up with on the street. This goes for the STI too. Now, onto the R. Yes, it's based off an econo box but, fit and finish on VW has always been a step above for its price point. With that aside, the R is not a track toy. This is a car you can live with everyday. It does everything you want a street car to do. It's sporty and fun to drive, that's a VW. If it's not fast enough for you, and you want to defeat the ASR/ESC add some software, a driveable 300hp+ is possible. Remember, that's the same engine found in the S3. It won't punish you at the pump either like the EVO and STI. Once again, the R is not a track toy. If you wanna drive a rally car to work everyday, go for it. You wanna be comfy, that's your choice too. I just commuted in a rain/thunder storm on a CBR last night.

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