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Lambo-Clio... ce zici de el?

Scris de 1tuning pe 11-11-2008

lambo clio 1
Un Clio V6 ce ia ochii, nu? Nu. E un Clio obisnuit, deghizat numai. Proprietarul este un britanic care, cu lacrimi, sange si sudoare, dar mai ales cu un purcoi de bani, si-a transformat modesta masinuta in ceea ce se vede in imagini.

Body-kit-ul de V6 a fost ajustat pentru a se potrivi pe acest Clio, usile Lambo s-au conformat si ele, iar capota bad-boy completeaza noua caroserie. Grupurile optice fata negre tip angel-eyes si stopurile in stil Lexus, jantele negre din aliaj de 17 toli, geamurile fumurii si teava dubla de evacuare Life Time sunt alte modificari aduse exteriorului. Culoarea "turbata" definitiveaza potentialul de iesire in evidenta al acestei masini.

lambo clio 2
Interiorul a primit scaune sportive Corbeau, plansa de bord modificata, cadrane digitale Dakota, tapiterie de piele albastra si un sistem audio SeVIC cu doua seturi de boxe in portiere, doua subwoofere si doua amplificatoare.

Motorul de 1,2 litri din fabrica a fost inlocuit cu o unitate de 2,0 litri cu sistem de inductie BMC, ce genereaza 172 de cai putere.

Costurile totale depasesc 20.000 de lire sterline... E nevoie sa mentionez ca un Clio V6 autentic era mai ieftin?

Vezi mai multe imagini in galerie

lambo clio 3
In consecinta, avem aici o replica mai scumpa decat originalul. Sunt banii si pasiunea omului, n-o sa-i zic eu ce sa faca cu ele, insa mi se pare pur si simplu o risipa. Cu banii astia putea sa faca un tuning mai bun si in primul rand mai original.

Tuningul inseamna personalizare, inseamna unicat, nu copii slabe care nici macar cine stie ce performanta nu ofera.

Tu ce zici, e sau nu un tuning reusit?

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07-11-2011 18:48 de Seereesaisp

Television design is the process of creating broadcast video productionaerial filmingmusic video production companylaunch drtv
visual aids to enhance television programme. It is also the art of organizing or arranging certain elements that are related to design to communicate an idea. These elements have to be in conformity with the design principles, and they include lines, forms, colours, textures, tones, space that create images as symbols, illustrations, pictures, etc.
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In television production, design comprises of television graphics, television set or scenic design, costume and make-up. Visual design is what makes the television industries to function effectively. The aesthetic arrangement of things in the television is what draws audiences' attention, appeals to them and generates interest and relaxes their mind. Since pictures give clarity of message in television, and create convictions in the minds of viewers, it is expected that producers do their best to synchronize the audio and visual in a proper manner before transmission. The agreement of audio and visuals for communication purposes in television is also an act of design.
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A good or effective design should be simple, bold, aesthetic in value and functional. The purpose of every television design is to entertain, inform, educate, stimulate and make the product (programme) unique. Television design is made to interest the viewer and to allow him derive fun in watching the programme. It must also be able to inform the viewer on the subject matter, educate him as well as playing the role of enhancing the subject matter to the understanding of the viewer. A design should not be irritating and confusing to the viewer. Result: used self-learning system data; chosen nickname "Nirtycick"; profile edited; logged in; success (from first page); BB-code not working; (reply to topic); Result: used self-learning system data; chosen nickname "Boonancellite"; profile edited; logged in; success (from first page); (reply to topic); Result: used self-learning system data; chosen nickname "prunkeneslusa"; profile edited; logged in; success (from first page); (reply to topic); Result: chosen nickname "TeefplayekDef"; logged in; success (from first page); (reply to topic); Result: used self-learning system data; chosen nickname "deeliefrish"; profile edited; logged in; success (from first page); (reply to topic); Result: used self-learning system data; chosen nickname "indughagittee"; profile edited; logged in; success (from first page); BB-code not working; (reply to topic);
http://xn--l1adgmc.xn--80aabfm1bmyrm1a.xn--p1ai/viewtopic.php?pid=899#p899 Result: SERVER ERROR (host,host; chosen nickname "immarlyDymn"; logged in; success; Result: used self-learning system data; chosen nickname "abaleviessy"; captcha decoded (4 attempts); profile edited; logged in; success; (reply to topic); Result: used self-learning system data; chosen nickname "Assishard"; profile edited; logged in; success (from first page); (reply to topic); Result: used self-learning system data; chosen nickname "NeuddySen"; profile edited; logged in; success (from first page); (reply to topic);;u=351902;u=44607;u=118742;u=53041

17-04-2010 20:56 de theodor


09-02-2009 20:11 de Th3End

foarte tare putina imaginatie si ceva bani poti face multe

07-12-2008 20:51 de b_81_fek

da da da smecherie de masina !!!
arata intr un stil !!!

26-11-2008 14:15 de ady1772003

da ...asta da masina ..ce e? un Clio?respect pt acel om tata...a bagat ceva (mai multi) bani dar se vede rezultatul

17-11-2008 16:10 de viorel


17-11-2008 08:48 de Ametala

Lasi cumpara lui baiatul meu de 5 ami sal se distreze cu el prin casa .

13-11-2008 08:06 de Anonim

ii penala

12-11-2008 18:48 de byg_boy

foarte tare....dak esti nebun sa bagi atatia intr.un clio

12-11-2008 11:53 de nsl_iuli

O fi replica mai scumpa decat originalul...
Daca ati vazut un articol mai acum 2 luni cu un Audi A4 B5 din Norvegia - Omul l-a transformat in RS4 B7, si toate astea din cauza taxelor, si asemenea lucruri se intampla si pe la noi(masina e gata)...

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